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Concession Management for Windows Software...

Concession Solutions has developed a software program that helps the Concessionaire and the facility management review all aspects of the concession, catering, and merchandise operation, while saving management time. There are three modules to the Concession Management for Windows Software. That integrate the inventory sales, inventory tracking and staff scheduling all together into a single package.

Identifying excessive product costs, manage inventory and manage labor costs is some of what the software will help the user realize. This software will provide the user with tools to help them manage proactively, effectively and manage the operation in less time, giving them more time to exceed customer expectations.

The system is easy to use. Data entry is very similar to an Excel spread sheet.

You set up product groups, product categories, stand types, non-profit groups, subcontractors and stands. Each of these are specific to your facility and are familiar to you. When you have set up the basics then place only the products you sell into each stand setup. The system has the ability to make event by event adjustments as you go.

The Concessions module provides a number of reports that show sales by stands, by event, or by a range of dates. You can follow the inventory sales and match it with cash for each event. It allows you to track inventory movement between stands and warehouses before and during the event. It will provide the management or client with a host of reports that they can review and use to better analyze how the concession operation is doing.

Do you have problems with tracking the dollar amount of eaten food, spoiled food, or complimentary food for each event? There is one report (Event Recap Report) that will show you the dollar value for each of these and others by event. You can make adjustments by the next event rather than waiting until the monthly inventory is done and then you see that you have a usage concern.

Need a money room worksheet? This system has a form that links the money room totals to the stand sheets. When the money room has counted a stands money, you can see if the stand is short or over and know immediately if there is a problem and need for a recount.

Do you use non-profit groups? The software will allow you to track the non-profit groups sales and commissions. There is a report that you can print for each event that will show how much you need to pay the groups.

The Inventory module links to the Concession module. It provides a product structure report, which enables you to evaluate each menu item's product cost, product margin with any given menu price, so you can proactively determine what the menu prices should be based on the target product cost percentage you are looking to meet.

You can setup standpar levels that will show you how much to restock and how much you need to reorder. You can take a look at the item transfer forms to determine if you are transferring too much product from one stand to another or from the commissary during the event. Maybe you should rethink your stocking levels.

Want a Inventory sheet that will only have printed the items that are located in each specific stand. Rather than one sheet that is used everywhere and cumbersome to use, making it easy to miss inventory. This system can provide such a sheet.

There are inventory reports that can be generated by day, week, or by a range of dates. There is a report called "Menu Mix Costing", this shows the Net Revenue broken out by product type, the Item Cost Sold and the percent of the Item Cost Sold. This one report can provide the manager with valuable insight to proactively make adjustments to the operation prior to the next event.

Finally Payroll/Scheduling module, allows the user to make employee schedules in advance and then make adjustments to the schedule as the event gets closer. Once you are given an attenance estimate you can make changes to the schedules to meet the needs of the customers and meet the project percentage of labor to meet the budget. The reports provide the employee a print out of their schedule, print a schedule to post in each stand and print a schedule at the check in area to show where employees are to report to work and what time they are to start work.

After the event you post the actual hours worked and the system will provide reports to be turned into the payroll department.

This software was designed to get the manager out of the office and into the facility so they can better address the customer and client needs. While at the same time better tracking and managing your costs and increasing profit.

Contact Concession Solutions to request a demo version of the software. Provide your contact information and we sill send you out a copy.

When you decide to purchase the full non-demo version of the software, any data that you have entered into the demo version will move directly into the full version. You will not need to re-enter any data thus making the move from the demo to full version seamless.


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